Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers. Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones, and other devices. Other technologies, including data we store on your web browser or device, identifiers associated with your device, and other software, are used for similar purposes. In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies.”

We use cookies if you have a SkyCred account, or use the SkyCred Products, including our website and apps. Cookies enable SkyCred to offer the SkyCred Products to you and to understand the information we receive about you, including information about your use of other websites and apps, whether or not you are registered or logged in.

This policy explains how we use cookies and the choices you have. Except as otherwise stated in this policy, the Privacy Policy will apply to our processing of the data we collect via cookies.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies help us provide, protect and improve the SkyCred Products, such as by personalizing content, tailoring and measuring ads, and providing a safer experience. While the cookies that we use may change from time to time as we improve and update the SkyCred Products, we use them for the following purposes:


We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you’re logged in so we can make it easier for you to access the SkyCred Products and show you the appropriate experience and features.

For example: We use cookies to keep you logged in as you navigate between SkyCred pages. Cookies also help us remember your browser, so you do not have to keep logging into SkyCred.

Security, site and product integrity

We use cookies to help us keep your account, data and the SkyCred Products safe and secure.

For example: Cookies can help us identify and impose additional security measures when someone may be attempting to access a SkyCred account without authorization, for instance, by rapidly guessing different passwords. We also use cookies to store information that allows us to recover your account in the event you’ve forgotten your password or to require additional authentication if you tell us your account has been hacked.

We also use cookies to combat activity that violates our policies or otherwise degrades our ability to provide the SkyCred Products.

For example: Cookies help us fight spam and phishing attacks by enabling us to identify computers that are used to create large numbers of fake SkyCred accounts. We also use cookies to detect computers infected with malware and to take steps to prevent them from causing further harm.

Advertising, recommendations, insights and measurement

We use cookies to help us show ads and to make recommendations for businesses and other organizations to people who may be interested in the products, services or causes they promote.

For example: Cookies allow us to help deliver ads to people who have previously visited a business’s website, purchased its products or used its apps and to recommend products and services based on that activity. Cookies also allow us to limit the number of times that you see an ad so you don’t see the same ad over and over again. We also use cookies to help measure the performance of ad campaigns for businesses that use the SkyCred Products.

For example: We use cookies to count the number of times an ad is shown and to calculate the cost of those ads. We also use cookies to measure how often people do things like click on or view ads.

Cookies help us serve and measure ads across different browsers and devices used by the same person.

For example: We can use cookies to prevent you from seeing the same ad over and over again across the different devices that you use.

Cookies also allow us to provide insights about the people who use the SkyCred Products, as well as, the people who interact with the ads, websites, and apps of our advertisers and the businesses that use the SkyCred Products.

For example: We use cookies to help businesses understand the kinds of people who like their SkyCred page or use their apps so they can provide more relevant content and develop features that are likely to be interesting to their customers.

Site features and services

We use cookies to enable the functionality that helps us provide the SkyCred Products.

For example: Cookies help us store preferences, know when you’ve seen or interacted with SkyCred Products’ content, and provide you with customized content and experiences.


We use cookies to provide you with the best experience possible.

For example: Cookies help us route traffic between servers and understand how quickly SkyCred Products load for different people.

Analytics and research

We use cookies to better understand how people use the SkyCred Products so that we can improve them.

For example: Cookies can help us understand how people use the SkyCred Service, analyze which parts of the SkyCred Products people find most useful and engaging, and identify features that could be improved.

Where do we use cookies?

We may place cookies on your computer or device, and receive information stored in cookies, when you use or visit:

  • The SkyCred Products; and
  • Websites and apps provided by other companies that use the SkyCred Products, including companies that incorporate SkyCred Products into their websites and apps. SkyCred uses cookies and receives information when you visit those sites and apps, including device information and information about your activity, without any further action from you. This occurs whether or not you have a SkyCred account or are logged in.

Do other parties use cookies in connection with the SkyCred Products?

Yes, other parties may use cookies on the SkyCred Products to provide services to us and the businesses that advertise on SkyCred.

For example, our measurement partners use cookies on the SkyCred Products to help advertisers understand the effectiveness of their SkyCred advertising campaigns and to compare the performance of those campaigns to ads displayed on other websites and apps.

Third parties also use cookies on their own sites and apps in connection with the SkyCred Products. To understand how other parties use cookies, please review their policies.

Browser cookie controls:

Your browser or device may offer settings that allow you to choose whether browser cookies are set and to delete them. For more information about these controls, visit your browser or device's help material. Certain parts of the SkyCred Products may not work properly if you have disabled browser cookie use.

If you have questions about this policy, you can contact us at

Policy last updated: 04/07/2019